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    Country:, Europe, DE

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  • matuck - Great bag. I carry 2 17 inch laptops in ...

    Great bag. I carry 2 17 inch laptops in it and a hybrid 10 inch tablet and still have room to carry plenty of other stuff.

  • Ausfile - Good as always

    What Color is your Parachute is a book which is always on my list of books to get every year. Each year he brings out a new edition. The editions change from year to year as he updates them according to world events. For example, due to the World economic Crisis he brought out a "Hard Times" edition in 2010 in recognition that the goal posts had shifted quite dramatically in the job-hunting / career-changing market. I purchase his books every two years. This year I bought the 2013 edition and on my Kindle. The book is excellent as always and is sufficiently updated and different from previous editions to justify buying the 2013 edition. The only drawback for me is that when he discusses interview situations they are normally situations where the job candidate is facing one interviewer. I normally face a panel of about 6 interviewers all with prepared questions and ticking off a list of criteria prepared by the HR department. But, all in all it is a very good book, well written and Richard N.Bolles' warmth as a person certainly comes across. The Kindle format does cause some difficulty however. Diagrams which are clear in the print edition are not easy to read on the relatively small Kindle screen. There is a facility to print those diagrams up if the Kindle is connected to a printer by WiFi but that is not often the case. This is not a problem using the Kindle app on the PC or Mac. I just found myself checking my print 2010 edition and used the diagrams from there.


    This product comes highly recommended for my light maple engineered hardwood floors. However, after two years, there is a very noticeable dull haze on my floors. My housekeeper and I have both noticed this. When I searched the web, it turns out that many of the people complaining about this are using Bona. I made a fairly strong vinegar and water solution, and applied it and let it dry 5 or 6 times in one area. After doing it, that area has much of its original shine again. I will have my housekeeper start using only vinegar and water, and over time, I hope to see the original shine return. I think Bona is probably excellent for traditional wood floors with a lot of grain, but for light-colored modern floors, it becomes counter-productive.

  • Jennifer Hampton - Works Perfectly

    Works perfectly. It blocks calls and sends them straight to voicemail. Just exactly what I was looking for. Now, I don't have to be bothered when I don't want to deal with those spam calls that are constantly hitting my Voicemail