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    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3292 Paris, France

  • Donna Ann Dye - Excellent Auto Product -

    Works perfectly. Looks better than the original equipment and clears the garage door when I back out. Ford should use this product.

  • OutdoorGirl17 - Great but compass doesn't work.

    I got this for my mother in law she has a hard time getting around, but will not use a cane. She used to have another walking stick, but it broke so I thought this would be a good replacement. The walking stick it self is great she loves it because it has shock absorbers and doesn't hurt her hands. The only problem was that the compass at the top does not work its broke. or something. It shows north to be east so we will not be relying on that. Other than that it's an awesome walking stick. I received this product in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

  • fishmagik - Solid product and very easy to install!

    A solid product at a fraction of the price that my Honda dealer wanted to charge me. A buddy and I installed these in about two (2) hours on a Saturday morning....with no issues. I got a Thule rack and took it across the country for Spring Break this year with no issues. Very, very impressed with the look and engineering of this product.

  • D.P. - AWESOME

    What a great wrench set. I wish they were a little thicker, but I'm not concerned. I've been putting them in some pretty intense situations with hundreds of lb/ft of torque and they've been wonderful. Every size you could ever want.

  • turkeyfingers - 4 Replacements.......(so far)

    I am waiting for my fourth of these chargers to arrive. The charger seems capable and efficient at recharging my D batteries, however, the spring mechanisms that hold the batteries in place and against the metal charging docks break so quickly and easily that I haven't had one last more than one week yet. In fact, I would like to stop replacing it altogether, but I have purchased $40 worth of D batteries to pair with this particular charger that would become obsolete without it. So I will continue with the replacements I suppose.

  • Connie Young - Great reference manual

    This was a nice reference manual for anyone using QuickBooks. Gives detailed instructions on how to do most tasks with the program. Recommend it.