
ANTARA | LUPIN - ANTARA BRAND listed on both UnitedHealthcare Commercial and Part D AARP Prescription Drug Lists. It helps in lowering triglycerides. ANTARA 90 mg, 43 mg, 130 mg

  • Privacy Policy | ANTARA - Lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides and raise HDL with Antara. Describes how Antara raises good cholesterol and treats triglycerides.
  • Glossary of Terms | Antara - Unclear about any term related to ANTARA. You can find everything in this section.

    Country:, Asia, SG

    City: 103.8565 Central Singapore Community Development Council, Singapore

  • Stephen Alley - Get a head start for your child with the LeapPad from LeapFrog!!!!

    My niece loves the LeapPad Ultra XDi from LeapFrog. She was 4 when I bought this for her and it has helped her learn so much. I love the fact that LeapFrog has designed these games to reward the child for when they get a correct answer. She has to learn and remember the stuff to get to the game part. She is learning and having load of fun at the same time. She calls the LeapPad her "tablet". I love that this is educational instead of giving them a traditional tablet that can be mind numbing.

  • Julia - Best of luck

    I used this to try to pass a drug test for employment. (Medical) Marijuana user. No other drugs. Female, 5'6, 135 lbs, chronic daily smoker. Stopped using marijuana for about 9 days prior to drug test. Used this after two days of not smoking and tried an at-home drug test. Failed it. Used it for the real test after nine days of not smoking, failed it as well. Although my employers did not care, as I have medical reasons for use, they were unfortunately unable to hire me because they have to abide by federal laws rather than state. I followed the instructions EXACTLY. I chose this product because a male friend of mine has used it twice, both times successfully, to pass drug tests for employment. I'm thinking it works well with some people's bodies and not at all with others. If you're considering using it, try a practice run after at least 2 days of not using. If it doesn't work, ditch it and go another route. Best of luck!

  • Niko'sMama - Did not work for us at all.

    I had a lot of trouble breastfeeding, especially early on, and had to supplement with formula. Because Enfamil does a "great" job of shoving samples and coupons into the hands of expectant/new parents, this is what we used at first. I know babies are gassy, but this made my little guy's gas 100 times worse. He would SCREAM bloody murder and as soon as we gave him gas drops/gripe water, he would immediately start passing gas or pooping. We finally switched to Similac. The gas drops are needed only once a day if at all now. When he was a few months old I tried a bottle or two of this newborn formula again, thinking maybe his digestive system had matured and might tolerate it better, no dice. It was exactly the same. I'll never risk using this formula again during those already hard, sleepless, first weeks with a newborn.

  • Susan Ferraro - Too big!

    Not enough info on 'things to see'. Too big to catty around...especially if you are going to just one or two regions.

  • Michael - Great Camera

    Great camera - better value for money than in some shops. Clear image. Zooms very well without blurring. Not too big to bring around. Produces professional quality pictures - used it on holiday - the best camera I've ever brought with me!!

  • Jeffrey D Borgholthaus - This 2016 version is not nearly as beautiful as the 2015 star

    This 2016 version is not nearly as beautiful as the 2015 star. The glass is dull and does not refract the light with the brilliance of the 2015 model. I purchased two, and they are both the same. While pretty, they pale in comparison to last year's star. Kind of disappointed. It is like the glass was cut, but then not polished.

  • peariver - It's a Rockettech and a great price

    Daughter loves the bat, it is replacing an older Rockettech which does not have the new USSSA stamp which will soon be required for USSSA play. Nothing wrong with her older Rockettech except it is one inch shorter and one ounce lighter. I'm sure this one will last and produce like the other.