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  • Kindle Customer - Great storyteller

    Ms Barnhart knows how to tell a great story , populate it with interesting believable characters, throw in suspense and action; and churn out an unusual heroine. Await the next adventure of Liz Crawford.

  • Clayton McRoy - Once you pop you can't stop

    This poster is big in size. The bubble wrap aligns perfectly with the dates. Would be a great improvement to have more space between the months.

  • Brad - 2016 Jeep Wrangler 2D Hard Rock

    LOVE IT!!! Our first jeep, and really our first experience with off roading. The whole thing has been very positive so far. We bought the jeep as a toad for our motorhome. It's working out quite nicely.

  • lovelydreecg - Definately far so good

    I am one of those black girls who never really possesedd a "big booty" so to speak. I work out religiously and do squats, lunges etc, daily wit little results. So, i was anxious to get these pills and see if they REALLY do work. I have been using them as directed, with the Brand New Booty cream, for two weeks and have already seen results. My measurements for the rear were 43,45; of today they are 42,45, ever my rear is definately plumper and rounder... Every one notices and you can see it in my pics..i have plenty of before and afters, for anyone that wants to see them..just send me an email, and mention BNB, and ill send them over. [email protected]. I actually ordered mine threw their website, and am on auto shipping. Typically, your suppose to see results in 5 weeks, for my age, but again, im seeing them now. The only major side effect i have with the pill, is that it makes my stools a little loose. I called the customer svs rep and she said thats because the pill makes you lose weight too, but not in the butt area...Im definately pleased with the pill, and will continue to take it until i see results. I will update again soon:)..oh, and i only gave 4 stars because its still early... IM just two weeks in....