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  • Nona Baker - Oil Pulling Therapy

    Reading this book has convinced me that Oil Pulling is a valid therapy to detox the body and especially if there are issues with the mouth, teeth and gums. I started doing this about a month ago and my arthritis pain is much, much less, my teeth are much whiter (mine have always been a yellow color which made me not want to smile much). I've noticed some changes in and around the stomach area and seem to be digesting foods much better. I've been using Sesame Seed oil which seems to work well. I do it when showering in the morning.

  • D. Jenkins - Very Good Gateway Modem/Router

    I purchased this unit to replace a Linksys WRT160 (which worked well for me as well) and to return the Motorola S85100 modem I have been "renting" from Comcast for the past 7 years! Basically, with so many wireless devices, it was time to upgrade to a Dual-band router, and increase the modem speed by moving up to DOCSIS 3.0. Overall, I am very pleased with this unit, though there are a few things to consider:

  • Alicia - This is my favorite diaper rash cream because it is thick and has ...

    This is my favorite diaper rash cream because it is thick and has no odor. balmex has helped us through some very bad diaper rashes!