
Welcome to Rx Plus Pharmacy - Adventist Health System is pleased to welcome you to our Home Delivery Service, Rx Plus Pharmacy.

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City: -81.4188 Florida, United States

  • Ponchies0621 - ... show is Awsome been watching it since season 1 love watching the Kids grow up and the real life ...

    This show is Awsome been watching it since season 1 love watching the Kids grow up and the real life situations they go through on a daily basis, its Laughs, drama crys all rolled into one.

  • Annie B - Great product! Reliable and functional.

    Awesome, innovative idea. I am a nurse practitioner in a rural setting and this is an awesome product that I have started using for my patients. It is so great to be able to have the ability to use either the tympanic (ear) function or the temporal (forehead) function with just the removal of a plastic cover and the hitting of a button! Before we would have to have 2 different tools, depending on what our needs were. This is lightweight, it is very reliable as we have compared it to actual rectal temperatures in infants and have gotten very similar readings. Because of this I would definitely trust it for use with my family. I plan on purchasing another one for us in the clinic because it is so affordable for the quality of the product. The instructions were very clear and easy to follow and understand. It comes with batteries included, but the cover for them comes off easily in order to change them. I did secure this compartment a little more just because of using them in a clinic. I hope you have found this review helpful. Please let me know if I can answer any questions for you.

  • Stephan A. Cheney - The Blue-Ray is flawless.

    I have received the Blu-Ray disk from Amazon. It contains both Blue-Ray and the DVD formats. I'm reading many complaints from people who bought this b&w version. My copy is perfec.... flawless and very clear. I'm very pleased at the quality of this old film on a 60 inch HD screen. It's very well done. No issues with syncing voice/picture. It's wonderful!

  • April - I have been using this for years. Seriously my ...

    I have been using this for years. Seriously my mom has been putting this in my hair since I was a little girl. In high school I started to use it again and it helped my hair. My hair is very drive and absorbs moisture fast. This is the only product I have found to give me moisture daily. If you are African American try this product.

  • Pennsylvania Fisherman - Microsoft fixed a product that wasn't broken.

    I've been a happy user of MS Office since my transition from Perfect Office in 1997, versions 95 thru 2003. The user-friendly menu-driven user interface. built-in hotkeys, and logical grouping of functions allow great efficiency and flexibility