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  • LogicJab - and I'm in love. It's adjustable to all get out

    This is the first compound bow I've used, and I'm in love. It's adjustable to all get out, it works well, and it's a blast to shoot. It's a bit loud, but maybe that's because I'm used to recurves

  • GA Brown - Looks Factory Installed

    The Mark II Shark Fin antenna looks like it was factory installed. It comes with easy to follow directions. I highly recommend this product.

  • Elizabeth Treiber - loved!!!!

    I just read this to my 2 daughters age 7 &4. They loved it! They think their dad might be a super hero, too. Let up the great work! Wee look forward to reading more!

  • Caesar Hernandez - Great Beginner

    This is a fantastic and extremely durable unicycle. This was my first unicycle and I have really thrashed this thing for the past eight months or so and it has stood up very well. The only thing that has broken are the plastic pedals, they take a beating as you learn to ride, but an upgrade to metal pedals is fairly inexpensive and pretty necessary for most any unicycle. I have since acquired a 36 inch Coker for commuting and having ridden that I realized that the saddle on this unicycle can be a bit uncomfortable after a few hours riding, but still it is a great unicycle to start out on.

  • James D Yowell Jr. - Not a great fan

    It sort of made me wish that I would have broken down and got my daughter a tablet. All the apps cost money individually, and she would rather play with an iphone than the LeapPad. Now when I say the apps/games cost money, I assure you I am not talking about small change. It isn't like a droid or even an iphone the apps tend to cost in the 15 to 20 dollar range at least, which meant we really weren't getting a lot of use out of it for her. Also, it eats batteries.