
Renove Team Binche traveaux de renovation finition du bâtiment - PO Renove Ream à Binche, le spécialiste en traveaux de renovation et finition du bâtiment. Contactez-nous pour plus d'info!

  • traveaux de renovation - finition du bâtiment - Renova Ream - Binche - PO Vous cherchez un spécialiste en traveaux de renovation et finition du bâtiment, contactez Renove Team à Binche pour plus d'information!

    Country:, Europe, BE

    City: 4.35 , Belgium

  • carson619 - Just Boring

    I wanted to like this movie, but it just was terrible writing. The dialogue felt flat, forced, and awkward. Half the time I felt they were adlibbing. The plot didn't make sense and the movie failed to make me laugh. Undoubtedly they will make a sequel but I won't watch it

  • Kellie - I know other reviewers say how sweet this shake is

    I know other reviewers say how sweet this shake is. It is sweeter than other ones I've had, but that's easy to fix. I mix one scoop of this with 8oz Unsweetened Cashew or Almond Milk, 1/2 a frozen banana, 1 Tbsp Chia seeds, about 6 ice cubes, and 3/4 cup baby spinach. I actually blend the spinach up, put it in ice cube trays (3/4 cup blended made 1 large ice cube), put one cube in a ziploc with half a banana and freeze. I also 1/2 -1 Tbsp of PB2 if I'm in the mood for peanut butter. Makes it quick when you're in a hurry. The sweetness makes it so you don't taste the spinach, but are still getting more veggies in your day. :) Definitely worth trying this shake since there is no sugar or carbs.