Review: - Rush Online, Limbaugh Talk Radio -! - View - Rush Online, Limbaugh Talk Radio -! Rush Limbaugh isn't the king of talk radio for no reason. Even his critics will grudgingly admit that he's a consumate entertainer. But those of us w

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City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • Ravyn - Got ticks? DON'T get this collar!

    My dog had a tick problem... I had been treating it with an essential oil mix I made, and then a powder, and Vets Best Tick spray... it worked, but it wasn't perfect. I told his veterinarian about my methods, and she informed me it was time to stop being "homeopathic" and take care of my dog.

  • Daniel - Easy to program if you car has the remote start ...

    Easy to program if you car has the remote start feature that's a plus as well 5 stars highly recommend!!! works like a charm!!!

  • Amazon Customer - SCAM! I WANT MY MONEY BACK!

    After reading about 20 pages into this book I could tell it was a joke. On the grammar section there were clearly so many GRAMMATICAL mistakes that I was not confident in this book. I started to look at the reviews here and noticed that all of the good reviews were actually paid to be put on here (if you look at the end of each review). I began looking for a publisher so I could look at publisher reviews and THERE WASN'T ONE! This was not my only study book I used the one that my school recommended (the one with the most high ratings on here) and you can tell a major difference. Don't waste your money.

  • Robin Christ - LITERALLY made me a better person.

    This stuff has changed my life. I take one a day, and it makes me feel great, without the caffeine jitters from coffee. I have the energy to work out, clean my house, go to work. It's made me a better employee. I'm so energetic, positive and organized.