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  • Emily - Good one!

    This except started slow but picked up when Dennis and Pidge started interacting. I really liked the two characters and would definitely buy this book to see what-all they get into.

  • Gork5000" - Book was made from wood from Pinocchios' nose. Clinton is a liar.

    The wood used to make this book came from Pinocchios' wooden nose. Clinton is the most dishonest & corrupt candidate in US history. I'm a progressive but NOTHING this wretched woman has done or will do is progressive. She's a corporate whore who has sold out to the rich & corporations. Her and her corrupt husband have amassed $300,000,000 since 2001 when they said they were "dead broke". They began selling access to the government to every psychopath in the US & the world. Their Clinton Foundation isn't a charity. It's a slush fund so corrupt people and foreign counties can give to the Clintons in exchange for her selling out our country.

  • AdventureGirl - What a difference this has made! I'm a believer!

    I'm so happy I tried this product. Initially, the price had put me off, but the reviews convinced me to try it, and I'm glad I did.

  • Michael S - works wonders

    i have bought and used many products for my toenails. they all seem to work, but they really didnt. i was hesitant to try this product because of that. i decided to just go for it and as of right now i am glad i did. my nails are pushing out the yellowish brittle nails and growing healthier clear nails. it works better than other products and faster. you just have to keep using it and not skip a day. great product so far!

  • FARRAH BOUTTE - Oh yea fat burner

    I ordered this product to help burn the fat.. Well being on it for almost a month i have not only lost weight but i have also gotten more energy in the process. I have had trouble in the past losing weight but with this fat burner it had helped tremendously. You don't get the jittery feeling like with alot of products. Will be ordering this again to keep up with the great results after only being on it for a month.