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  • Champika - E-commerce in depth

    This book has the latest stats and info about e-commerce you will ever need to understand the building blocks of e-commerce and related technologies. Well written and presented Laudon & Traver. Reading the book was a pleasent experience as it is written in a way that even a non-college student can understand.I would recommend this book to anyone who is in a college environment or looking for the knowhow on building an e-commerce site.

  • Jack Gingrich - ... I needed and found that program to be really good. Still getting to find more features on this ...

    Have used 2003 version that I got into what I needed and found that program to be really good. Still getting to find more features on this 2013 version on windows 8. Seems to me very user friendly and an excellent home and a great business program to have available. I think overall it is good value and expect that I will still be finding out new features and uses for office in the future