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  • jerabby - Amazing difference

    This purchase was to replenish my supply. My friend gave me a bottle of this oil for Christmas. It is a treatment that shows immediate results. When I used all she had given me I shopped locally for Argan oil. I bought some, although it was a different brand. It did not have the same results. Now, I have the Acure again and what a difference. I strongly recommend this product. If you are even considering it...buy it, you will like it.

  • S. B. Gilmore - Dog junk

    I woke up one morning to discover the family dog had been very ill during the night. There were two vomit spots and one diarrhea. I thought, "Oh no! What am I going to use?" I had purchased this stuff when we originally moved into the house and used it periodically off and on. It was amazing. I wiped up the yucky stuff first. Poured the stuff onto the stains, let sit for 5 min, and voila it was easy. No hard rubbing, just gentle rubbing and dabbing. I love it!! My grandma wanted gift ideas for a wedding shower and I told her make a pale of cleaner for the newlyweds. She said what should I get Gloves, scrubbers, old rags, glass cleaner, tub, and definitely KIDS N' PETS!!!

  • Altar Boy - Some Good Ideas . . . But Bad Implimentation

    If earth is the only stop then one has to question whether Christian morality has any merit or purpose at all. If Jesus was a myth created by men then perhaps Obama's relativistic belief in a world where man moves forward not backwards is logical, as social and economic progress and redistribution of wealth in a universe with no heaven may be the only reasonable path to achieve universal fairness. HOWEVER, if life on earth is part of a Divine Plan revealed by Jesus Christ, then social and economic progress and ownership of property needs to be made consistent with this Revelation. Because this book fails to conform to orthodox divine revelation it may be in some respects anti-Christ. It calls for action by MAN despite whether that action may go against the inspiration and leading of the Holy Spirit and His Church. The Amazon review of the book by "the young theologian" is a good point by point unraveling of what I'm talking about.