Men, like women, are convinced that the first and most important reason for erectile dysfunction among men is stress, connected with health or poor living conditions it is necessary to see your doctor about any defects. Review:

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  • kate bowling - I have very fine, very straight hair

    I have very fine, very straight hair. I was always envious of women who had those perfectly curled tresses. I have tried curling irons, curling wands, curling with a straightener... nothing really gave me the look I was after. I reluctantly purchased a Tyme iron after seeing the ads on Facebook and watching some Youtube videos. I can honestly say it's the best styling product I've ever used. It takes a few tries to get the hang of using it, but once you do, you can have gorgeous hair in a matter of minutes. I have medium length hair and it takes me about 15 minutes from start to finish. I do have to use some hairspray/product to make it last all day, but I attribute that to my fine, slick hair. I am so happy with it and recommend it to anyone. I love it!

  • janeo - Splat hair dye worked for me!

    So I bleached hair to the yellow stage everyone says to do. I disagree. I say bleach it to almost white. However everones hair is different. If you have black hair then get it yellow then proceed. I then put my choice of toner on whole head. After that I pulled out a bottle of splat purple! Oh by the way I did NOT use their bleach kit in the box! It wont even be enough unless your doing a few sreaks. I use the blue stuff I cant remember the name of. And a 30 developer. My hair is a dark to med brown with auburn highlites naturaly. I hate it. Been a blonde forever, Lady Gaga came out so I decided to get freaky with my hair. Anyway this stuff really works. I left it on for an hour. On bleached hair it came out the color on the box. The unbleached hair (due to me using a cap) was a differnt color which I loved. To bad they dont make the color I accidently made. I was not doing all over head just streaks. SO It worked great. WARNING:The dye will get on everything. use old towels. Wash cloths etc. Wont stain sink. Have comet on hand. I applied this to my hair with my hands. WHy? I have no clue! Dumb Blonde? NO dumb woman! So yes I had deep purple hands for 3 days!!!!! But it came off. Takes a while for water to turn clear. wash it out and dont shampoo for a few days. Yuck I know. Hide in your bedroom from your husband and tell him you have the flu. I have hidden in my room for years, months on end with the flu various headaches and other ailments just to avoid this man! If you are a hopless romantic and happen to adore and love your husband please allow him entrance to the room. So hair tip and a husband tip! Good luck! Oh ladies, my God watch youtube and get a good shampoo and conditioner and take vitamins and lots of water to keep it healthy. What we eat and drink will decide the health of hair! Research research!

  • Julie - DON'T USE ON YOUR CAT - Horrible stuff!

    DO NOT USE ON CATS! I sprayed my cat with this in the tub because I wanted to wash away the fleas if they dropped. They did, so let me say this upfront. BUT, my cat has long hair, so I had to keep adding more spray to get through the fur. By the time I realized what was happening, she was an oily mess....and howling like crazy. So I stopped and tried to dry her off. I let an hour go by and she still looked horrible. And that's the least of it. She was breathing funny and kept shaking her paws. So, as much as I hated this, I gave her a bath using Dawn to try and get it off. It didn't work and she is completely traumatized. The product is still there, she is all matted and the smell is overpowering. I fear the only thing to do is give her another bath because the smell is just too much for me....I can only imagine what it is like for her! They REALLY need to re-evaluate their directions on this ("Just spray and play"). Please save yourself a lot of heartache and don't use this for cats!!!!

  • cilene rodriguez - 3 adidas hombres

    excelente producto muy buena calidad los zapatos estoy contenta con las características de producto el acabado de los zapatos . recomiendo el producto.