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Collington Surgery - Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more - Collington Surgery Windmill Hill Surgery,Victoria Road,Wiindmill Hill, Hailsham,,East Sussex BN27 4SZ, Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more

  • http://www.collingtonsurgery.com/opening-times.aspx Collington Surgery - Doctors surgery opening times and what to do when we are closed - Collington Surgery - Doctors surgery opening times and what to do when we are closed
  • http://www.collingtonsurgery.com/making-appointments.aspx Collington Surgery - How to make an appointment to see your doctor or nurse at the surgery - Collington Surgery - How to make an appointment to see your doctor or nurse at the surgery
  • http://www.collingtonsurgery.com/prescriptions.aspx Collington Surgery - How to order your repeat medications from the doctors surgery - Collington Surgery - How to order your repeat medications from the doctors surgery
  • http://www.collingtonsurgery.com/clinics-and-services.aspx Collington Surgery - The clinics and other services offered by our doctors surgery - Collington Surgery - The clinics and other services offered by our doctors surgery
  • http://www.collingtonsurgery.com/new-patients.aspx Collington Surgery - Information for new patients wishing to join the doctors surgery - Collington Surgery - Information for new patients wishing to join the doctors surgery

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  • Nicholas - Great for anyone willing to spend the money!

    If you are looking for more length and a soft feel, this a great ball. Don't listen to the golf snobs who think they know more about golf cuz they are single digit handicaps and tell you not to waste your money on these. Most golfers(like myself) with handicaps in the teens play in that range cuz they don't have time to play 6 times a week so they lose shots in their short game, not because they can't keep long shots in play...long shots are the easier part of the game. That said, I have tested this ball on quiet days on the course shot for shot against a handful of cheaper 2 piece balls, and this 330RX is consistantly 10 - 15 yards farther. Anyone can benefit from more distance. If you worry about losing your $4 ball, grab the yellow ones, they are easier to find if you spray it in the rough! Have fun!!!

  • Gwendolyn - Super Cute! Love that it has five lines for ...

    Super Cute! Love that it has five lines for each day and that it starts the week on Monday! Has me amount of space for weekends as weekdays which was also really nice! Loved the coloring pages <3

  • Karena Lynn - Great clock

    Love this! After eading the instructions it was simple to set the clock and alarm and preset all the radio stations!

  • Stephanie H. - It does a decent enough job

    I actually went to Home Depot and bought this since the price between them and Amazon was the same. It works you just actually have to be patient with it. I used it for my backyard since my new dog ruined the sod. Used in late April then just when I thought it was an epic waste of money I saw results by late May. You have to follow the directions firstly not to mention check the kind of soil in your environment. I live in Colorado our soil has a bit of clay and sand. I applied steer manure and ensured I covered all the bare spots as best as I could it helps wonders. Top soil can work too but the manure has the vitamins and minerals the soil needs. You also have to water it regularly too or else the seeds wont get what they need. I didn't get a flawless lawn like the video shows, but I got a decent grassy lawn back, my dogs enjoy it since it's overall an improvement from just laying and playing in dirt. It's a little patchy in some areas but that's what touch ups are for.