www.frca.co.uk Review:

Anaesthesia UK : FRCA Home Page for Anaesthestists in training for postgraduate exams - Anaesthesia UK FRCA: A site for anaesthetists in training. Contains summary pages that will help with revision for the primary FRCA examination in anaesthesia. Includes multiple choices as well as topic summaries

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  • Paula Harper - Really great in the morning

    Kapha Tea has ginger in it. Ginger is what helps us keep our weight down. It has a great flavor. In fact, I am drinking mine right now. I drink it every morning. Great way to start your day, without caffeine. Actually Maharishi Ayurveda makes several teas for each type body. If you want to learn more about these wonderful teas made just for your body type, I suggest you go to the page and find out more about your body type and which tea as well as other helpful items for your body.

  • eric ingvardsen - It was because of the obvious that there was too much blind faith and trust that whoever applied the product would do it correcl

    We purchased a new 2010 Chrysler 300C back in March 2010. Dealer offered this paint "seal" and I declined. It was because of the obvious that there was too much blind faith and trust that whoever applied the product would do it correclty and thoroughly in great detail. The dealer pleasantly surprised me with two free bottles to apply myself. I never treated the car but did open the seal on one can and applied to a tiny spot to see if there was any amazing result. Didn't feel slick afterward. The car is pampered, always garaged. Sunday driver at best and paint still in like-new condition. So I pull this product out to apply it today. The opened bottle had been closed and I used a vacuum bag sealer to keep it "fresh" (it is a very strong smelling product about 10X stronger smelling than paint thinner). Stored in a closet in the house with no heat/freeze. The bottle cap had erupted, the bag contained it all, but it was alarming to see a clear liguid filled with clear pellet-like material. The label color was nearly bleached. While this review isn't exactly a real review of product use and paint finish results, the bleaching of the can, along with the weird clear pellets/liguid, leads me to truly believe this product would harm the paint instead of protect it. Worse, it would almost appear to be an unreliable clear coat layer that would then dry to the paint and be absolutely impossible to remove without damaging the very paint it won't release from. Chemical Guys offers "Jet Seal". This product is fantastic. Easy to apply, and very easy to remove (and will go on clear-bra paint film and ClearPlex windshield film too!). Had saved the Xzilon this whole time for a special use on the Chrysler but thankfully so many horrible experiences read here has stopped this. Very grateful!!!

  • Lindsay Bluth - Simply the best

    We all know you shouldn't use Visine products because their "redness relief" are vasoconstrictors that work to close off the blood vessels in your eyes, which is bad for your ocular health. So what drops are best? Systane Ultra High Performance. They're easily the most expensive over the counter drops, but boy do they work. Instead of Refresh tears - gentle, but not long lasting - these drops last a few hours while clearing your vision at the same time. I use these when I wear glasses, and Systane Contacts drops when I'm wearing my contacts. I've tried several other brands, and been recommended Refresh or Systane by my eye doctor, but the best are Systane Ultra High Performance. I've heard that regular Systane drops aren't as long lasting and that Systane Long Lasting drops feel very thick and viscous, so I'll stick with the High Performance.

  • Clifton Haney - EA remains indifferent to its customers.

    The launch server issues are simply a slap in the face. Scalable internet architecture is prevalent, and easily accessible. Amazon and countless others offer cloud computing that is designed for just these situations, and yet EA can't even be bothered to invest in it for a flagship title. The game might be fun, but unfortunately many of us still have no idea. I've spent three times as much time trying to play the game as I've actually played it. The "always online" requirements are simply DRM, nothing more. EA's claims of "advanced cloud computing" are ludicrous, as the game

  • Vegas Luna - i decided to go ahead and post a review of ...

    i decided to go ahead and post a review of this product. I got this in an amazon lightening deal. This thing won't even power on. i followed the instructions to charge the battery for days at different light sockets. I called technical support, they aren't available on saturdays. i might have maybe two hours available during the week to troubleshoot this thing.

  • Bob Bannon - I have been using this for tail gates for three ...

    I have been using this for tail gates for three years now. I change the oil each year as it sits in the garage all winter and spring, and it has always started right up for me each year when football season rolls around. A full tank will run from about sun up to sun down. (FYI - I am able to power a 50" lcd tv, a 32" lcd, a directv receiver, and a speaker system)