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Country:, North America, US

City: -122.3422 Washington, United States

  • ARI J COMET - Speck remains our favorite

    This case is for my iPhone 5S -- and is my 3rd Speck case in as many years. Each year I've gotten a new phone and each year I've gotten a new case. Not because the old case is worn, but because I want a new color. These cases are sturdy, last forever, and look really nice. Provide more than ample coverage-- more front-facing coverage than many others. I adore the rubber ring around the face that, when laying face-down, keeps the unit from sliding around.

  • Jack Sullivan - No remorse about buying these 2 volumes

    Excellent two book series. Everything you ever wanted to know about SLR photography and then some. Essential material for beginners like me.

  • Russ D - Well it looks Nice...Does it Work???

    Item Looked Okay. Followed the MANY MANY steps in the instructions several times, but I could never get the vehicle into the mode required in order to register the remote. Turn Key On..Open Drivers Door..Turn Key Off...Close Drivers Door..Turn key to Start etc..etc.etc So I don't know if it works or not.

  • Jon S - So sad

    It makes those abused animal commercials with the sarah mclachlan music playing so much sadder when the one-eyed pug is 4 feet tall.

  • CF107 - Pregnant after 2 weeks of taking this. I ovulate ...

    Pregnant after 2 weeks of taking this. I ovulate only once every other year on average due to a genetic disorder called fragile X that causes ovarian deficiency. I kid you not I ovulated after just 2 weeks of taking pregnitude!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!