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    City: 4.9167 North Holland, Netherlands

  • Elizabeth Sanders - Pairing the device is simple and routine

    I have really liked each headset and this particular Headset is no different. It ships in a Black premium box with the the company's logo and model of headset. Inside you will find the headset secured in place by a foam insert, instructions, USB charging cable, and different sized rubber ear bud inserts. There is no carrying pouch with this purchase as there is with other models. The headset has a rubber coating which prevents any damage due to sweat. I can report that I have used this headset while using my treadmill. Although I sweated heavily, the headset never shifted, or fell out of my ears. Helping the Headset to stay put in your ears is the earloop found on both speakers. They clip over your ear and secure the buds. Although the ear buds were wet with sweat, no damage was sustained.

  • MynameisMis - Please don't eat this, save your money

    Over and over again I have tried Daiya products, and every time I am disappointed and upset that I wasted my money. I have tried their shredded cheddar, shredded mozzarella, various slices, and wedges. They all taste the same and they are all horrible. They do not taste anything like dairy cheese; in all honesty they taste like bad berries mixed with a bouncy ball attempting creaminess but failing. Cheese is supposed to be a fattening delicacy that you are happy to add to your dishes. I've had to throw away omelets, paninis, and casseroles because the terrible taste overwhelmed the entire dish and I could not taste anything else. I have tried a few other vegan cheddar cheeses and have yet to find one that can mimic the dairy cheddar. The only vegan cheese that I can say I like is the mozzarella by Vegan Gourmet.

  • John Pozatron - Creepy toe socks? Muscle compression? Yes please

    The compression is legit. I can further creep people out by wearing knee-highs with my 'toe shoes' or 'weird finger water shoes'

  • Jake Randall - Worked great! But... (READ THIS IF YOU HAVE A STUBBORN/NASTY DIAPER RASH)

    First of all, I'm not one who writes reviews... but I felt like there was probably other moms out there dealing with what I just went thru that could use this advise... so here you go. Like everyone else who's written a review - I tried EVERYTHING on my baby's diaper rash... I was so upset, so like you I did a search to see if there was anything else out there & found the Triple Paste. Based on the glowing reviews I bought it. So it's expensive - BUT IT WORKED-sorta... It takes a bumpy rash away (the kind that look more like hives) in a day... but my baby has had a BAD diaper rash since she was 5 days old (is 5 1/2 weeks now) and it turned into something that looked more like a burn with the skin rubbed raw on both sides of her bum right next to her hole & would bleed a little when you touched it... so sad! (we thought it was the acid in the poop burning her skin)... so the paste helped a little but not very fast (went thru an entire tub in about 1 1/2 weeks because you're supposed to put it on THICK & the rash just went down a little). I had been doing all of the home remedies people suggested: every few diaper changes dipping her bum in warm water in the sink (a couple of inches deep) with a teaspoon of baking soda (neutralizes the acid in the poop), rinsing out the wipes so they don't have the alcohol in them anymore (it's too harsh on sensitive skin), patting her bum with a wet cotton ball instead of whipping, and FINALLY the thing that worked in conjunction with the paste was a blend of essential oils rubbed on her rash each diaper change and then putting the paste on top to act as a barrier, after 1 day of doing that the rash is half as big! I'm NOT an essential oil rep, I don't have a loyalty to any one brand, but I was desperate. Since I've used them in the past on myself I figured what the heck, I'll try it when my friend who is a rep told me about the blend because she's used it on her babies. So, here's the recipe: 4 drops of lavender oil & 4 drops of melaluca (tea tree oil) mixed in a small roll-on bottle with extra virgin olive oil filling the bottle. You can add geranium oil and use the fractionated coconut oil instead of the EVO but all i had on hand was EVO & the 2 oils I listed. I used Young Living brand of oil but I don't think it really matters even though the reps of all of the companies will tell you otherwise ;-) Just make sure it's good quality stuff, not the cheap crap that's already diluted. And remember any time you use an essential oil on a baby you HAVE TO DILUTE IT with oil! It's potent stuff that's why on an adult you only use a drop or 2. Anyway, hopefully this review will help other moms who are frustrated and desperate for a remedy. Good luck! PS. Because of the acid in her poop she was grunting like crazy and in pain each feeding, so my friend also suggested diluting in the EVO 4 drops of lavender, wild orange, fennel & digestzen (Doterra & Young Living sell this blend) and rubbing that on her tummy each feeding... it's helped a lot. She still grunts but doesn't seem to be as miserable as she was before. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do your own research before you trust what me or anyone else says about using these home remedies and even ask your pediatrician because each baby is different and has different allergies (I can't each dairy or sugar any more because those make things worse for her) so you never know if your baby will have an adverse reaction to something. Ok, this review is super long, sorry. Good luck momma!