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  • timothy emerson - I was very skeptical, but I admit it, they worked.

    I really didn't think these would work, I'm a bit of a skeptic at heart. Putting a sticker on my nose to prevent snoring reminded me of those magnetic bracelets that were a fad a few years ago that were supposed to give you more energy, or reduce pain or some such nonsense. I was curious why the reviews were so positive, so I took the advice from the comments and ordered the free sample from the website. Well, they worked, and I've only been caught snoring once since I've started using them. Yes, the adhesive is very strong - which is fine, I'd rather not have skin oils loosen the thing a few hours into sleeping. You just have to be careful removing it in the morning - warm water and soap will work just fine.

  • S. Reeves - My Best Friend

    I have been using this stuff for about 3 years now. I fell in love with it since the first time I tried it. I'm black and have worn my hair natural my whole life. When I was little my hair would stay short due to it being very breakable ans brittle. Mainly because my mom used to do it. Her method was to just gel it down and tie it up. Well eventually I started to do my own hair and experiment with different products and techniques. I tried olive oil products and many different greasy ethnic hair products. After endless trial and error I came across this wonderful, god-sent leave in conditioner. It literally changed my whole hair routine. Every day I wet and comb through my hair in the shower. When I hop out I take a couple scoops of the cantu and run it from root to tip. (focus mostly on the ends) Then that's it! Nothing else. Don't comb through it! Let it air dry. I promise you there will be no frizz and you get that subtle coconut smell ALL day. This is literally the only thing I ever use. I have tried other mostly organic products but I always find myself straying back to this one. And after 3 years of curly girl techniques and cantu, my hair has really grown. Its at the bottom of my bra strap when curly and it reaches mid-back whenever I flat iron it. If you stick with this leave in conditioner you will most definitely reap the benefits.

  • Ashraf girgis - it is really all in one

    I had this trolley for over than 7 years and still using it around the home even in the car as I leave it in the trunk of the car and doesn't take a space by putting the wheels up and carry all my shopping to and so on don't miss it

  • Blue Skies - Excellent!

    All of the Tracy Crosswhite novels/stories are excellent, very enjoyable. Can't wait for the upcoming new one! I have ordered two of Dugoni's previous books and never fininshed them, just couldn't buy the basic premise. These are hard to put down, really well done!

  • Cynthia King - You get High Quality sound

    This Bluetooth headset has a Business Style look, With smooth piano lacquer and delicate rubber coating, making it a high quality product.

  • Amazon Customer - OLD FAITHFUL!!!!!!!!!!

    Wonderful product...My parents used to use this on my when I was a child, they used it for aches, pains, clods, aching name it. I am so glad that I found it again. It is the same great product that I remember.

  • Murphy Farley - good luck finding any contact number

    Absolute piece of junk, and if you want to send it back, good luck finding any contact number, these people should be in jail with Bernie Madoff.