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  • The Tempest - Mediocre at best

    The book is really mediocre at best. Very few concepts are explained in a simple way, and the majority of things are explained in such a round about way that you get a headache trying to figure out what the author is saying.

  • Drafthorsemom - Great Product

    This came within two days from when ordered and was in perfect condition. It was easy to mount and connect according to my husband and he was spreading seed on the farm the next day.

  • motherharr - Hair is starting to grow!

    I gave this to my father. I read the reviews and was really impressed. My father told me that he is noticing that his hair seems to be starting to grow. It is easy to get out of the bottle and apply to the hair. For men you use it at the full strength. For women you use it at a diluted strength. I am going to tell him exactly where I got this product when he is out. I think if you are struggling with hair loss you should give this a try. He has tried other brands without much luck. I am excited for exalt. I received a discount on this hair loss treatment to give my honest opinion. This made no impact on my review.

  • David - Changed from Street Atlas this year

    I finally changed my mapping program from Delorme Street Atlas to MS Streets and Trips. I've used mapping programs for a long time to plan trips and find more detail than online services typically offer.

  • Aaron - Refreshing

    This was a very refreshing take on fantasy, myth and magic style of stories. So many recent novels are to complicated and shallow. The character development was excellent and the slow buildup to revealing magic, elves, gods , dwarves and such was very well done.


    I have only been using this product for about a month and I have already noticed a difference! My bum is noticeably firmer and rounder! I can actually read the ingredients and its smells great. I will definitely continue to use this and can't wait to see what happens once I start taking the pills!

  • TINA - I really like the scent

    No joke... first night I used this, I woke up and the really bumpy acne around my jawline and on my cheek were completely flat and not irritated. I am so impressed! I really like the scent, it smells relaxing, sort of like a spa. But honestly, I bought this pillowcase because I was breaking out only on one side of my face, and I assumed it was from sleeping always on that side. I changed pillowcases every other day, but it was still there. This thing cleared up in a single night what would have taken about a week to clear up on its own. Crazy amazing! :)