
Articles informatifs sur la santé naturelle et Newsletter sur la Santé Joseph Mercola - Une source fiable d'articles de santé, de produits de wellness optimal, de nouvelles médicales, et une newsletter gratuite de santé naturelle de la part du spécialiste en santé naturelle Dr Joseph Mercola.

  • Article Santé Naturelle, Nouvelles et Informations par Dr. Mercola - Obtenez des nouvelles actuelles et des informations sur la santé du meilleur fournisseur de santé naturelle, Dr. Joseph Mercola.
  • Les qualifications du Dr. Joseph Mercola - Lisez à propos des qualifications du Dr. Joseph Mercola, formation, profil pratique, publications, affiliations et organisations professionnelles.
  • Contact Support - - Si vous avez des questions sur nos produits, vous pouvez contacter le Support Clients Mercola par l’intermédiaire du téléphone ou du courrier électronique.
  • Le cancer peut changer la perception du temps - Malheureusement, malgré les dernières technologies et les « avancées » en médecine, le cancer continue de tuer des gens bien avant leur heure.
  • La vérité sur les radiations émises par les téléphones - Cancers du cerveau et du cœur, tumeurs malignes, troubles de la reproduction, etc... font partie des impacts négatifs des fréquences radioélectriques (RF) et des énergies de champs électromagnétiques.
  • Utilisations et bienfaits pour la santé de l’huile de coco - L'huile de coco offre une liste impressionnante de bienfaits pour la santé et d'utilisations que beaucoup ne connaissent sans doute pas.
  • La pliométrie : développez des muscles secs, sans haltères - Les exercices pliométriques sont des exercices au poids du corps qui ne nécessitent aucun équipement et aident à améliorer la force des jambes et la puissance musculaire.
  •’inflammation.aspx La curcumine peut contribuer à réduire votre inflammation - Les chercheurs révèlent que la curcumine stimule la santé cérébrale dans son ensemble, grâce à ses puissantes propriétés antioxydantes et anti-inflammatoires.
  • Archive Newsletter Santé Mercola - Explorez l’archive de la newsletter Mercola et accédez à une large sélection d’informations pertinentes et intéressantes sur la santé publiées sur le site
  •’alimentation-cancer.aspx Alimentation et Nutrition influent sur le cancer - Consommer plus de graisses saines, moins d’hydrates de carbone, et une quantité modérée de protéines de haute qualité, voici la clé pour lutter contre le cancer.
  • Le lien caché entre céréales contenant du gluten et schizophrénie - La recherche montre que la consommation de céréales contenant du gluten augmente la prévalence des troubles neurologiques et psychiatriques, en particulier de la schizophrénie.
  • Salle de Presse de Mercola - - Découvrez la salle de presse de Mercola en savoir plus sur, comment organiser une entrevue avec le Dr. Mercola et comment ajouter une bannière Mercola à votre site.
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  • La Politique de Mercola visant la Sécurité, la Confidentialité et les Conditions d’Utilisation du Site Web - La politique de visant la sécurité, la confidentialité et les conditions d’utilisation du site web.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -88.2065 Illinois, United States

  • Gong Lu - Disappointed

    I've been playing PES for years, I have all the discs since 2009, and this is the only one that disappoints me.

  • iRub1Out - Good product, but not what it used to be.

    This is the new formula introduced by Onnit about a year and a half ago. The "Classic" formula was much more effective, I feel that this is no longer worth it's current price.

  • Shannon - Secure and Satisfied

    This product was a great price and I was automatically upgraded to the newest version. Before the product installed it did a quick scan of my computer and found something that Kaspersky missed. My computer is moving much faster now and I don't have annoying popups asking me if I would like to "open this page in a secure browser" like I did with my other security. I am very satisified and I would definitely recommend this to a friend.

  • Neo Rye - OEM Version

    This is an OEM version of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard. Unless you are an OEM, do not purchase this, Microsoft will not validate the license.

  • Sam's-Review - *** WOW!!! This product really works...I'm serious! ***

    To make a long story short, Ever since I left the military back in 1995, I had developed this nasty (jungle rot)...a military term for a nasty foot nail fungus on my right big toe nail, just underneath the nail. It became worse over the years and I really did not know what to do. In the military you can get bad nail fungus on your feet from wearing those damn combat boots or any boots all the damn time. So it's very important to maintain good care of your feet if you have to ware boots all the time in the course of your job! I hate boots today...I ware lots of sandals and make sure my feet get plenty of air. As the years went by I would try various products, but none really didn't work, until the year 2013, when I bought this product! I was will almost see immediate results in (5) days hands down...remember I have had this damn fungus on my toe nail since 1995. The darkness and discoloring is fading away, and the fungus is being killed off. I'm still using the product until it's completely gone and I will file down and pedicure my nails proper. So I speak highly of this product...for the first time since 1995, I feel human again, before I felt like some animal with a nail looking like that on my foot! Currently, my toe nail is turning a nice healthy pink color underneath and is really looking great. I don't have to be embarrassed about wearing open toe sandals anymore. If you have a stubborn nail fungus on your feet please try this product, and practice good foot care health. However, if you have an extreme case then see a doctor. Thank you.

  • michael - Girlfriend proof

    The original floor mats on the passenger side kept sliding forward and my GF kept getting the new floorboard dirty. These new floor mats stick to the floor and move on the passenger side maybe 1-2" max. Keeping it very clean.

  • Black Diamond - great practice book

    The book is broken down by body systems, and hits key points that need to be understood to pass. There are 100 questions at the end of the book to help you prepare for taking the exam.This book is presented in short, easy-to-read chapters, the book includes subject-specific practice exams, allowing you to target your study and quickly identify weak areas.The explanations for the answers are clear and the book is organized very well. This is a good book to study from if you just use it as a reference, Grab this book as a supplement! But not as your only source of questions. The more questions you look through the better! Good luck! Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge in exchange for a honest review.