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    I've been having high blood pressure problems for about 8 years, and have been on blood pressure medication that gives me terrible side effects, headaches, legcramps, etc. My BP is usually about 135/95, sometimes higher. When I was doing a google search for natural BP remedies I came across Serrapeptase and Nattokinase. I read some of the reviews and decided I will try it for myself. When I got it in the mail, I opened the package right away and took 2 pills, which is about 80,000mg and I started to notice a miracle happening in my body. I checked my BP and it was about 117/70, which has not been that low since I can remember. I am still taking BP medications but a much much lower dose now, lets give it more time lets say a couple more months and I may be off the BP meds for good! I am still shocked that it worked so fast and brought my BP down that low. GOD has answered my prayers!!!

  • P. Ulrich - AZO Cranberry does more than help UTI's

    I've been a long time user of AZO Standard. About a month ago, I was coming down with an upper resp. infection (which is usual for this time of year for me), at the same time I began to feel the familiar ache of an UTI developing. I began taking the AZO cranberry and the symptoms for both infections went away after a few days. Since then, I have taken it every time I feel like I am coming down with a upper resp. inf. and have avoided it. Four times I have avoided infection by taking AZO. My husband thought he was getting sick last week. I told him to take AZO for a few days and his symptoms went away. The cranberry has Vit C and a probiotic in it that I attribute my healing to. This stuff is worth the money and is cheaper than other probiotics on the market. One box of 50 is 6.47 at our Walmart, so, Amazon has the best deal.

  • Keisha - Doesn't work on our table, but would be great on a breakfast bar!

    We bought this to use at home and to take on trips, because we don't like a ton of clutter and it seemed like a good multi-tasking device. However, it didn't fit on our table. We have a round table with a large "skirt" and the pieces that hold the skirt in place make it impossible to find a spot for the chair. We ended up buying a regular high chair for home, but we're keeping this one for travel purposes. It's hooks on really well to bars so it'll be great at my in-law's house and on beach trips. We'll also try it on additional tables. I don't think we'll use it at restaurants. It takes awhile to connect, so it's easier just to use a restaurant high chair. Especially if baby is hungry!