
| One Woman To Another - | Women's Stories Advice and Personal Issues From Around The World ,Stories on issues important to women: Health, love, career, Fitness and more.

  • About Me | One Woman To Another - About Me | Women's Stories Advice and Personal Issues From Around The World ,Stories on issues important to women: Health, love, career, Fitness and more.
  • Women Weaving Stories, No Need for Words | One Woman To Another - There are times, moments, when you feel you have fallen into another, older, wiser life. Walking around the sun-drenched, twisted, cobbled streets of Caste
  • Rainy Childhood Holidays | One Woman To Another - So I woke up to the sound of driving rain and was instantly transported back to my childhood- long car journeys with the windscreen wipers clunking, going

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  • TERE - Well worth my time and money!!

    I am glad to have rented this DVD. It was very well made. I learned a lot from it and I highly recommend it. How this man Obama was elected for 2 terms is terrible. Obama healthcare sucks! To force someone to have health insurance (that was over $350 a month and more than my car payment) that I could not afford or be penalized $650 is how communism starts. What next? This DVD covered and uncovered so many things...thank you Dinesh! Thank you for making this film.

  • N. Thomas - Excellent Workout!

    I read a couple of the lower rated reviews and really don't agree. The Gazelle is an excellent workout. I would NOT say it is for beginners. It definitely is not. I used to run 45 minutes a day everyday without stopping in hot sun, rain or snow. I dislocated my knee so I do not run anymore. This is why I bought the Gazelle b/c I knew it would be low impact and perfect for me.

  • Kristin Q - These really do their job

    Our daughter was sick about once a month before she started taking these. After she started taking them she has been sick only once in almost 4 months now. One word of caution though. If you live in the Southwest, don't order these in the summer months. My last shipment arrived with all of the gummies melted into one big gummy blob in the bottle. Stock up in winter.

  • Harry - Good product for good price and relax

    I have had the sometimes and find it is as good as anything else you find on the market. It has never seemed to be tainted or made me feel bad and is the go-to version if I'm shopping in a nearby store. This is plenty strong and can help you relax or stay calm before a big speech if you have stage fright. I would definitely encourage this for people who have stage fright, but I would not take right before bed or with alcohol.

  • mathew hamilton - Love this!

    I love this nail polish! 2 coats and you're good to go! It is beautiful when light hits it. I never had an issue with it chipping like some of the other people. Maybe you're applying to many coats, or not letting each coat dry completely? This is my second bottle and I will continue to buy more! Love all color club nail polishes.