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  • Harmonious Avenger - Ugly as Sin but Works

    First the good: Studio 2012 runs WAY faster than 2010 (which I found unusable). Also, like 2010 you can put editor windows out of the main frame which is a huge productivity boost for large projects.

  • Sean Bennick - Hard to digest

    After only 18 minutes in the microwave, the book caught fire. It did have a nice smoky flavor, but the middle chapters caused some paper cuts on my tongue.

  • Lynette - Hot, sexy, suspenseful

    Pls do yourself a big favor and read this book. It has it all! Love, suspence, hot hot sex and an extremely lovable and genuine H/h. I was hooked from the first page and didn't put it down until I had devoured the entire story. I never give away any important points of books I review, so not much more from me except to say I knew who the killer was almost from the start. 😄

  • Happy Positive. - This stuff works.

    All of my nails were dissolving into white powder. I began using this product, along with good nail trimming and an occasional foot soak. The nails cleared up, one by one. I found that filing the thick nails down also helped. This is the only product that I have found that clears up nail fungus. I can wear sandals now. If the price were lower, it would get five stars.