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    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3387 , France

  • John F - cb-1 weightgainer

    This product exceeded my expectations. It helped me gain 19 lbs pretty quickly. I have a fast metabolism and have tried other things that didn't seem to have any effect. As long as you consistently follow the directions you will see results!

  • Alicia Bacock - results not expected

    I read reviews prior to purchasing but still did not expect any results after using many other products that claim to be 'the best ever' I mistakenly purchased the mask and not the wash but it was not a mistake to try it and not send it back. After one use the redness decreased and size of breakout reduced. I started to use it overnight by applying a dab directly on the breakout. The next morning, depending on the size of breakout, the bump was either reduced by half, or was gone! I would recommend this to anyone who has purchased many over the counter items or has seen a dermatologist with no lasting results. The great thing about the mask is very little is needed. I purchased this tube before the summer started and I still have enough to last for at least another two months!

  • Amber S. Morgan - The best odor remover for housetraining.

    Many things will work to make people unable to detect the scent. This works to make DOGS unable to detect the scent. Dogs will pee in a spot where they smell pee...whether you smell it or not.

  • Yvonne - Great Bag!!

    I got this bag back in seventh grade, im a sophomore in high school !! ive used it everyday for school since i got it, and it has been a great bag. im getting another one, because the zipper on my original one broke aftyer 4 years of having it! its the best bag ive had! considering im buying another one that says alot. im kindda upset that they dont have the print i had before i guess they discontinued it or something. it was a light green plaid really nice never did show any sighns of dirt or anything. Som im getting the red one now. it fits with me one of my favorite colors, and its my school color! win win if say. i put my bag through hell over the last four years! from school with numourus binders and books, to wrestling papers, (i have ALOT!!)Im the manager), to traveling with the family, Band Camp and working with my schools Athletic Trainer!! it did it all!! haha

  • Poppu1945 - I had the worst time getting this product loaded onto my computer

    I had the worst time getting this product loaded onto my computer. I followed the enclosed instructions and got an error message that redirected me to a so-call service representative. He told me that the reason I wasn't able to install the program is that I had malware and viruses that were preventing the product from installing. He then told me that for $199 he could remove the malware and viruses. This is a brand new computer with Norton Security on it. He then ask if I was on a home Wi-Fi and when I said yes he proceeded to tell me that even though this was a new computer the malware and viruses could be transmitted from one computer to any other on the same Wi-Fi system. He had taken control of my computer, something I will never permit again. I disconnected and contacted the Geek Squad at Best Buy; they told me that this was a scam and I should contact Microsoft. After contacting Microsoft they told me how to install the software and reactivated the Product Code Card. After installing Office they gave me instructions on how to do a Clean Boot which should remove anything that the service rep may have installed. It took me from 2:00pm until Midnight to get the software up and running and the computer free of viruses and malware. I found that Norton Security had blocked some things that after 2:00pm had been attempted to be installed on my computer.