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  • Simplylovepink - Shocked that's this works!!

    Started this on Monday and started my period 5 days later. I saw spotting on day 3, taking pregnitude Morning and Night as directed. I have PCOS and have never had a regular period. I have always needed to take something to start! There have been times when even medicine did not induce a period for me. So I'm insanely impressed because I was skeptical because nothing has ever really worked for me! Obviously I haven't been taking it long enough to comment on pregnancy. I am on glumetza 1500-2000 mg daily so that is probably helping but glumetza alone has never regulated me. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage due to the pcos we're assuming. Even with 6 rounds of clomid I only ovulated once with the trigger shot and nothing. Hopefully this continues to work because week one it's done what nothing else could before!!! Will give it 5 if I ovulate and end up pregnant!! You can barely taste anything and when you do it's a sweet powder something similar to a light sugar substitute packet. I can lick the packet if I needed to lol so it's not gross at all. I drink it in a water bottle twice a day so it also helps with my water intake.

  • Paradox - Pretty decent concert

    Pretty decent concert.....Tyler cant quite hit the notes the way he use to..and...the band looks about ready for the retirement home...but it was enjoyable....great sound...and Tyler did do an exceptional job on Dream On (especially considering he is 118 years old, lol)

  • G.B. - A must read if health/weight is an issue for you

    This is one, if not, the best books on diet and health that I've run across. Dr. Hymen walks you through the reasons that we can't lose weight or have health issues and continue and the reasons why we yo-yo up and down wilt health and weight, over and over again. His main emphases is on sugar, sugar substitutes, processed food - which by the way, if you pull out what you have in your cupboards and freezer, you will find either sugar or a sugar substitute in every box, can, bottle etc... I did this about halfway through the book and was totally blown away. There is now way the one can win over an addiction with sugar, you don't stand a chance. Like smoking, it is totally addictive. In studies, sugar is as, if not more than, addictive that heroin and it is insured that it is in most foods that we eat. Dr. Hyman's second strategy is to attempt to get his readers off of processed foods and back to eating fresh produce and meats. My wife and I started the detox fast and the emotional need for sugar has already subsided. Personally, my sleep is more sound, not waking up at night due to neuropathy, then trying to get back to sleep. My energy level is way up and My main interest in the book was for health issues, which he addresses well and my Wife's interest is for weight loss, not a problem of mine. Okay, I'm not a ghost writer for Dr. Hymen. I'm an individual that has been suffering health issues for the past 8 years and decided to take a chance on this book. From what I've seen and felt over the past few days, I see nothing but a positive outlook for the future. Thanks for reading.

  • Scott Blake - An excellent product, but...

    As someone who drives for a living, I have purchased nearly every edition of S&T. Yeah, the smartphone mapping apps are great, but they *require* a signal. No such limitation with S&T. Still, it seems as if MS realizes the future of stand-alone mapping programs is uncertain at best, and put a half-hearted effort into the 2013 edition. The 2011 edition introduced several important improvements, including the ability to return to a previous map, and these have been carried over. And, while there have been some improvements to the 2013 GPS interface, I personally don't use it. Most everything else appears cosmetic, IMHO. If you already have the 2011 version, there's no compelling reason to upgrade, unless you use the GPS-included version. Oh, and BTW, Microsoft.... the CA-52 freeway has been completed for years here in San Diego... you can feel free to add it any year now! Nonetheless, if (like me) you need and rely on up-to-date mapping, the price I paid on Amazon was worth it.

  • traveler - Practice Might Help?

    The knob holding the onion was hard to push for slicing. Slices were as thin as I wanted. Maybe practice will help.

  • Food & Books - best to apply at night and let sit until morning

    After multiple applications over time, this does seem to stop mold from forming. It needs to dry completely with each application to be effective. So when using in a shower, best to apply at night and let sit until morning.

  • Susie K. - I am sooooooooooooo glad I found this product

    This product has done wonders for my skin and my confidence. I started seeing results instantly and have used this product for 1 month now. My 21 year old niece said to me "Susie, your skin looks good" and I had just finished washing my face for the night and had applied my Retinol Moisturizer. I had no make on. I am sooooooooooooo glad I found this product. I have recommended this product to every one. I have bought several more jars and I haven't even finished the first jar. I am so afraid that I won't be able to get it again. My adult acne is non-existent, pores are smaller, skin is smoother and I look better. All women know when you feel beautiful nothing can stop you. This is the only face product for me. I threw away all the other "stuff". Thank you.