www.associations-citoyennes.net Review:

Collectif des Associations CitoyennesNon à la remise en cause des libertés associatives ! - Collectif des Associations CitoyennesNon à la remise en cause des libertés associatives !

Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • T. Priest - Great for our baby

    Our little one was having some diarrhea issues that were ongoing and unexplained. She is exclusively breastfed and no formula or other foods yet. Our pediatrician recommended trying probiotics so we ordered these. Within two or three days her stool was the normal look and consistency for that of a breastfed baby. I am so happy and relieved. The dropper is glass and has the line for the dose which makes it super easy. You have to make sure you shake it well, but baby isn't bothered by taking it.

  • PiLlip - these are great. They are sturdy and give me confidence it's ...

    For the price, these are great. They are sturdy and give me confidence it's not going to tip over or anything. I don't think the safety bars on the bottom are that great. I took them off. I am just extra careful when it comes to lifting heavier weights.