www.chiropracticstroke.com Review:

Chiropractic Stroke Awareness Group, LLC - The Chiropractic Stroke Awareness Group was formed to raise public awareness about the risk of stroke and death with chiropractic cervical spinal adjustments, to find others who were injured this way and to prevent future needless suffering.

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  • matt - DHEA and pros and cons

    I am a little concerned about some of the negative comments made about DHEA on this page. The reality is that DHEA is a powerful hormone that shouldn't be treated like a vitamin off a supermarket shelf. Used correctly, it can literately add years to peoples live and reduce the risk of most major diseases of aging. The Dhea Breakthrough by Stephen A. Cherniske represents a positive interpretation of the literature on DHEA. But with all things, readers beware - as drug effectiveness is calculated on averages not on individual cases. There will always be individual response variation to all drugs, hormones and supplements. What does individual variation mean for the DHEA user, if we look closely at Cherniske's book there is a simple set of guidelines for use to avoid the problems by the poor fellow here who wrote a response to this book saying that he grew breasts, a rare reaction by males that are overly estrogenic to begin with, this is a dangerous hormonal state for a male to be in and he should start a protocol to reduce aromatisation of testosterone into estragon, this will also stop the over conversion of DHEA to estrogen. Of course, my review is influenced by my own views on DHEA use, so please be aware of this issue. 1. Use blood test monitoring to insure you are not over or under supplementing DHEA, this is important, never supplement above the top one third of the range for your age. Likewise, under supplementation might be insufficient to gain any benefit and therefore is a waste of money. 2., make sure you have a full blood hormone panel, including estrogen, total testosterone and free testosterone to ensure you are not over converting to estrogens dominance, a conditions with all sorts of health problems for males. If you are, don't panic, as there are a few good natural supplements and pharmaceuticals that are great for stopping this reaction. In fact all males tend toward estrogenic dominance as they age and reducing this can lean us down and tone us up improving cardiovascular profiles. It is a fact that lots of middle aged guys make more estrogens that women of the same age. 3., do not take DHEA if you have severe side effects or if you have any hormonally related cancer, more current research is suggesting there might be a role for DHEA in some cases here, but should only be considered with specialist oncology MD advice and supervision. 4., lastly and most importantly, DHEA is more likely to converted to estrogen if we are overweight, fat cells make estrogen, and we sit around all day eating junk food. For best results with DHEA, get active, try a higher protein - moderate carb approach, get some regular cardio exercise and start lifting some weights, use a trainer if you are very out of condition, after a fitness assessment by a MD. Exercise has an independent positive effect on testosterone and weight loss reduces estrogen conversion and total levels in the male body. Combining exercise, diet, lifestyle with appropriate DHEA use is the great approach that maximise benefits and reduces potential problems.

  • DK the DJ - yet all so good, that I read them twice

    stories so varied, yet all so good, that I read them twice ! Now seeking other writings by these accomplished authors.