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Coastal Surgery Specialists - Wilmington, NC - Advances in medical testing, treatments and techniques progress at a rapid pace. And while this is good news for everyone, new technologies require special training, knowledge and skill. At Coastal Surgery Specialists, our doctors are experts in the latest medical advances. They are fellowship-trained, board-certified specialists in their distinct fields, focused on your individual needs. At CSS, patients come first. Our doctors and team of dedicated professionals work side-by-side with you, from diagnosis through treatment, to ensure your comfort, confidence and well-being. We offer a welcoming environment, a knowledgeable staff and exceptional care.We offer 8 centers of excellence - Vascular, Vein Care, Breast Care, Endovascular, Bariatric, Ultrasound Lab Services, Thyroid Clinic, and Wound Care.

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  • Harriet Pimmel - Helpful ideas to choose the right online business

    Learning about generating passive income is so useful now a days. If you could identify your skills then a reliable internet access and your capability to give service are enough to generate extra income through online business. This book consisting of 30 strategies and ideas to start an online business will be very helpful for you to acquire financial freedom. You will get the most efficient suggestion to choose and start the right online business for incoming passively as well as achieving financial freedom.

  • Paula DeBoer - Great book dealing with hurt and love

    Lara at a concert with friends eyeing Kaz but knows there just friends but her gut is saying hmm I wonder but she has a man so it passes. Mark is major baseball player and Lara is noticing him changing and her feelings for him just aren't there anymore. Lara is a house decorator and ends up helping Kaz and there feelings start to come out. Has Lara finally found her dream man in Kaz? Will Lara be able to break up with Mark? Will Kaz be able to open up to Lara about his past? Drama, romance in this book never assume people are fine until you truly see it with your own eyes. I loved this book felt real and the obstacles they take. 5/5 stars ****Reviewed for Sweet & Spicy Read provided for a voluntarily Advanced Reader Copy of this book ****

  • gissella - Wow.

    I have suffered with insomnia for the past 10 years. This product cured it. I take it about 15 minutes before bedtime and fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow! Wake up feeling great. Why don't doctor's give us this information??

  • mark - It's awesome!

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