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  • Book Lover - Great Treadmill

    We bought the Sole F80 about three weeks ago and I'm very happy with it. It was easy to assemble, less than two hours. It's ultra quite when you run on it, and we have it on our second floor. The quick speed and incline buttons are easy to use. The speakers work great. My only real complaint is that I don't think the cushioning is as well designed as I had hoped. After running my legs/calves are physically pained. I would however, recommend this product to a friend!

  • Riddles - Did nothing for my daughter's skin

    I really had high hopes for this vitamin for my daughter's skin, especially with all the glowing reviews. But after going through two full bottles, we have not seen any change in my daughter's skin. I know nothing works for everyone, but we are disappointed, as the ingredients seemed good and useful for clearing skin.

  • D. Hess - Terrible update to Quicken Product

    I have been using Quicken for many years (since the 90's) and was forced to "upgrade" from 2011 to 2014 product. The product does not import financial transactions well and drops some of the transactions during the import process (they are in the file but Quicken doesn't import them into the accounts). Thus, I spend too much time trying to reconcile my accounts, the job that Quicken is supposed to do...not fun searching through hundreds of transactions to find out which one Quicken didn't import. Also, the customer service model for the product is really bad...they drive you to a forum for solution. Been waiting for 5 months for an answer regarding the missing transaction.

  • STS95 - Impressive quality in this price range

    I am very impressed with the overall build quality of this generator. Every component down to the paint used appears high quality and well fitted. The engine is a refined 7hp OHV unit with rubber engine mounts and a large heavy steal muffler. The frame is also sturdy gauge steel with rubber pads underneath to dampen vibration.

  • J. Turner - Wonderful results so far.

    Lutein is one of 600 known naturally occurring carotenoids. Like other carotenoids, xanthophyll’s are found mostly in the leaves of green plants, where they act to modulate light energy and possibly serve as a non-photochemical agent to deal with chlorophyll. It is related to beta-carotene and vitamin A, which are a part of the other division of xanthophyll’s that is formed by the carotenes. Lutein is found concentrated in a small area of the retina responsible for central vision called the macula. This natural concentration of lutein in the macula helps keep the eyes safe from oxidative stress and the high-energy photons of blue light (it functions as a light filter, protecting the eye tissues from sunlight damage). Research has shown a direct relationship exists between pigmentation in the eye and lutein intake. As such, an increase in macula pigmentation decreases the risk of eye diseases such as macular degeneration, as has been shown by several studies.