www.ibgc.u-bordeaux2.fr Review:

IBGC - Institut de Biochimie et Genetique Cellulaires - L'IBGC est un Institut de Recherche du CNRS dont l'activité est centrée sur l'étude de l'architecture fonctionnelle de la cellule eucaryote

Country:, Europe, FR

City: -0.3667 Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France

  • Rachel A. Adams - Worked so good

    I moved into a new place and the previous owner did not clean up after their pets accidents... saturated the areas that smelled and left to air dry and voila i dont smell it anymore! however its easy to go through the bottles quick so beware :)

  • J. Whitten - Smooth As Silk

    Screen protector glass application was simple and would have been even better if I had read ALL the directions AND looked at the pictures before beginning!! I was satisfied and turned around and bought this for my Galaxy 7s.

  • Sean - Hardcore PC FPSer sure. Average Joe, look elsewhere.

    By far the biggest love hate store on niche PC hardware/gaming forums. If you're a hardcore FPS CP nut, that likes to play multiplayer they seem to have small pool of what's an "acceptable" mouse.

  • Kenneth T. Barefoot - Great product

    Great as is. Again, the gear switch is a little much for this panel. I would like to see a similar panel made with out the gear switch and with a second starter switch to accommodate twin engine operation.

  • Miguel A Laguna - This mikasa volleyball is the best volleyball. Very nice grip

    This mikasa volleyball is the best volleyball. Very nice grip, the design is a plus, I absolutely recommend this volleyball for those who want to play and feel a better competitive level.